Best AI Tools For Email Marketing In 2024 (Free+Paid)

Best AI Tools For Email Marketing In 2024

Do you want to boost leads or sales through AI tools in 2024? If yes, then you are at the right guide because email marketing remains a cornerstone for businesses to engage with their audience effectively. However, with increasing competition and enhancing consumer preferences, simply sending out generic emails won’t cut it anymore. 

That’s why it’s time to enter AI in Email Marketing which can change the way marketers craft, target, and optimize their email campaigns. 

In this complete guide, we’ll get the best AI tools for email marketing in 2024 including both free and paid options that must help you stay ahead in the game and drive better results.



Phrasee is a leading AI tool designed to optimize email subject lines and copy to maximize open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement. By using (NLP) algorithms, Phrasee understands your brand’s tone of voice and audience preferences to write or create compelling, personalized email content. 


  • Subject line and email copy optimization using advanced NLP algorithms.
  • Personalized content generation based on brand tone of voice and audience preferences.
  • Maximizes open rates, click-through rates, and engagement.
  • Understand user behavior to get better results
  • Streamlines email campaign creation with compelling, data-driven content.
  • Enhances brand consistency and messaging effectiveness.


It especially works for enterprises, so you have to contact them for pricing. You just need to tell them your requirements and needs. Then, you must get a reliable plan. 



ClickUp offers AI-powered task automation, advanced project management, and collaborative workspace features. It benefits businesses seeking streamlined workflows, enhanced productivity, and improved team collaboration.

 Ideal for small to large enterprises across various industries, ClickUp empowers teams to efficiently manage email marketing campaigns, track performance, and achieve business goals effectively.


  • AI-powered task automation to easy email marketing process.
  • Advanced project management features for organizing and tracking email campaigns.
  • A collaborative platform for team collaboration and good communication.
  • Integrations with email marketing platforms for results-driven campaign execution.
  • Provides insights and analytics to track campaign performance and productivity.
  • Offers customizable dashboards and reporting tools for monitoring email marketing KPIs.


There are 4 plans that ClickUp offers Free, Unlimited, Business, and Enterprises.

  • Free: 100 MB storage, real-time chat, unlimited tasks, Collaborative docs, etc without any fee. 
  • Unlimited: Best for small teams, with unlimited storage, unlimited custom fields, native time trafficking, etc for just $7 per month.
  • Business: Best for mid-sized teams, same features like Unlimited and custom exporting, Advanced public sharing, Advanced Automation, Timelines and line maps, etc. for just $12 per month.
  • Enterprises: Perfect for large companies, everything you will get in this plan with Universal Search, US, EU & APAC Data Recciedency. Price will be negotiable on your requirements. 

For complete details about all plans, you can visit the ClickUp pricing page



Automizy is an AI-driven email marketing platform that must be best to run all sorts of campaigns, from lead nurturing to lead magnet and lead qualification. It provides in-depth information about User behavior, campaign reports, and many more things.


  • Predictive analytics for email campaign optimization.
  • Automated A/B testing to identify the most effective strategies.
  • Advanced segmentation capabilities for targeted email marketing.
  • Streamlines campaign management and performance tracking.
  • Empowers marketers with actionable insights to enhance email performance.


Automizy plans start from $9 for 200 Contacts and will increase according to the number of contacts. But for complete information about their plans, you can visit their plans



Sendinblue offers a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools for email marketing, including email automation, personalization, and performance tracking. Brevo gives us the functionality and flexibility we need to manage our marketing engagement as well as our sales pipeline while saving our revenue annually compared to HubSpot.


  • Predictive analytics for email campaign optimization.
  • Automated A/B testing to identify the most effective strategies.
  • Advanced segmentation capabilities for targeted email marketing.
  • Streamlines campaign management and performance tracking.
  • Empowers marketers with actionable insights to enhance email performance.


There are 4 ways to grow your marketing that brevo offering such as marketing platform, conversions, sales platform, and Transactional Email. All these types give us free plans and paid plans according to our business’s needs. 

Seventh Sense

Seventh Sense is an AI-powered email marketing platform that focuses on optimizing send times for maximum engagement. There’s more competition than ever for attention in inboxes. That’s why Seventh Sense’s artificial intelligence optimizes and personalizes email delivery times for each individual in your database. And we will see more engagement and better results.


  • AI-driven optimization of email send times for each individual subscriber.
  • Analyzes audience engagement patterns and behaviors.
  • Determines the optimal time to deliver emails for maximum impact.
  • Improves open rates and click-through rates with strategic send timing.
  • Helps marketers deliver emails when subscribers are most likely to engage.


It usually works for businesses and enterprises so, for just $80 per month, you will get 5k contacts, unlimited usage, batch email campaigns, and many more features. KIndly visit their pricing page to get a proper plan according to your requirement. 


GetResponse is a versatile email marketing platform that incorporates AI-driven features to enhance campaign performance. There are almost 400k+ users who use GetResponse to get better results in email marketing. 


  • Advanced segmentation and personalization for targeted email marketing.
  • Automated workflows and behavioral targeting to enhance campaign effectiveness.
  • Powerful analytics and reporting for tracking campaign performance.
  • Easy-to-understand interface for easy campaign creation and management.
  • Offers a range of plans suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  • Get actionable insights on how your emails and campaigns are performing


If you want to use GetResponse then you have to choose one of plan among 4 plans including Email marketing, Marketing automation, E-commerce marketing, and GetRespone Max Plan. All these plans have different options. You just need to understand your needs and select one. Kindly visit the plans page for complete information. 


Mailchimp is a widely popular email marketing platform that leverages AI to help businesses of all sizes connect with their audience. Many bloggers mostly use Mailchimp to get more visitors to their blogs or websites because it uses AI to enhance the customer experience with personalized content. Then automatically,  save more cost with a more focused strategy.


  • Predictive analytics for personalized recommendations and content optimization.
  • Automated email scheduling based on subscriber behavior and preferences.
  • Drag-and-drop editor for easy email campaign creation.
  • Advanced segmentation and personalization features.
  • Minimize mistakes due to human error
  • Improve data management
  • Boost marketing ROI
  • Offers a range of plans suitable for businesses of all sizes, including a free plan.


Mailchimp offers 4 plans for marketing platforms including free, essentials, standard, and premium. It offers a very customizable pricing system in terms of contacts and features. So you just need to visit their plans and select your requirements, then you must get the best offer. 


We have discussed the top 7 AI tools for email marketing, about their features, benefits, and pricing. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, integrating AI-powered tools into your email marketing strategy can help you deliver more personalized, engaging content to your subscribers and drive better results. 

At last, I will just say that the best AI tools for email marketing can enhance your campaign effectiveness, increase customer engagement, and automatically, grow your business.

But if also want to grow your business by using Free AI tools for Digital Marketing then, don’t forget to read this content also.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are AI tools for email marketing, and how do they work?

AI tools for email marketing utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to automate and optimize various aspects of email campaigns. These tools can analyze data, predict user behavior, personalize content, and automate tasks like A/B testing and scheduling to improve the effectiveness of email marketing efforts.

How can AI tools improve the performance of email campaigns?

AI tools can enhance email campaign performance in several ways. They can help marketers personalize content based on recipient preferences and behaviors, optimize send times for maximum engagement, predict which subject lines and content will resonate best with audiences, and automate repetitive tasks to streamline campaign management.

Are AI tools suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, many AI tools for email marketing cater to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. While some tools may have features geared towards specific business needs or budgets, there are options available for businesses of various sizes and industries.

Do I need technical expertise to use AI tools for email marketing?

Most AI tools for email marketing are designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality. While some technical knowledge may be beneficial for advanced customization or integration with other systems, many AI tools are accessible to marketers with little to no technical expertise.

What are the costs associated with using AI tools for email marketing?

The costs of AI tools for email marketing can vary depending on the provider and the features included. Some tools offer free plans with limited functionality, while others have tiered pricing based on usage or additional features. It’s essential to evaluate the specific needs of your business and compare pricing options to find the best fit.

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