Kickresume Reviews 2024: Details, Pricing, & Features

Kickresume Reviews

Do you want to create your professional profile by using AI’s help? Do you want to generate AI-powered resumes, cover letters, and personal portfolio websites? Then, it’s time to use Kickresume to stand out from the crowd. 

Today, we are going to discuss a comprehensive Kickresume review including Kickresume’s benefits, features, pricing, how to use it effectively, as well as its pros and cons. However, you will get a clear conclusion that help you make an informed decision about whether it’s the right tool for you or not.

But if you are very curious to know about Latest AI Resume Writing tools, then don’t forget to read this blog post also.

What is Kickresume?

Kickresume simplifies the process of creating impressive resumes, cover letters, and personal portfolio websites, requiring minimal effort and no design or writing skills. Just by using AI tools, professional templates, and AI-powered suggestions.

Kickresume ensures your documents stand out to employers effectively. Yes, Kickresume can indeed generate a tailored resume effortlessly through its AI Writer feature, merely by answering a few questions. Additionally, its AI Resume Checker further enhances your resume’s appeal by identifying potential improvements.

With Kickresume, smart people can easily showcase their skills, experience, and achievements in a format that is sure to impress hiring managers.

Benefits of Using Kickresume

  • Professional Templates: Kickresume provides a wide selection of professionally designed templates to choose from, ensuring that your resume looks polished and visually appealing.
  • Time-saving: With Kickresume’s intuitive interface and pre-designed sections, users can create a professional resume in a matter of minutes, saving valuable time during the job application process.
  • Customization: Users can easily customize their resumes to highlight their unique skills, experiences, and qualifications, ensuring that they stand out to potential employers.
  • Access Anywhere: Since Kickresume is a web-based platform, users can access their resumes from anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient for busy job seekers on the go.
  • LinkedIn Import: Create a new resume quickly by importing your LinkedIn profile which makes it more convenient for LinkedIn profile owners.  

Kickresume Features

  • Resume Builder: Kickresume’s resume builder allows users to create professional resumes from scratch using customizable templates and pre-designed sections.
  • Cover Letter Builder: In addition to resumes, Kickresume also offers a cover letter builder tool, helping users craft compelling cover letters tailored to specific job applications.
  • AI-Powered Suggestions: Kickresume leverages artificial intelligence to provide users with personalized suggestions and tips to improve their resumes, ensuring that they are optimized for success.
  • Online Portfolio Website: Users can showcase their work samples, projects, and achievements by creating an online portfolio website through their resumes directly within Kickresume, providing employers with a comprehensive view of their skills and abilities.

Kickresume Pricing

Kickresume offers four pricing plans for all users that have different needs and budgets:

Free Plan ($0)

Kickresume offers a free plan that provides access to a variety of essential features. Users can access four basic resume templates, four matching cover letter templates, and one basic website template. Additionally, the plan includes a library of over 20,000 pre-written phrases and access to more than 1,500 resume examples. With unlimited downloads, users can create and customize their documents without any cost.

Monthly Plan ($10/month)

For those seeking more advanced features, Kickresume offers a monthly plan priced at $10 per month. This plan includes over 40 professional resume templates and matching cover letter templates, along with seven personal website templates. Users have full customization options, ensuring their documents reflect their unique style and preferences. The plan also includes access to the AI Resume Checker, priority email and chat support, and the Kickresume mobile app. Additionally, users can take advantage of the AI Resume & Cover Letter Writer to craft tailored documents effortlessly.

Quarterly Plan ($7/month)

Kickresume’s quarterly plan builds upon the features of the monthly plan, offering users additional perks and extras. In addition to the features included in the monthly plan, users can enjoy special bonuses and benefits. Furthermore, users have the opportunity to give one friend a month of Kickresume Premium, allowing them to share the benefits of the platform with others.

Yearly Plan ($4/month)

For users looking for long-term value, Kickresume offers a yearly plan priced at $4 per month. This plan includes all the features of the monthly plan, as well as extra bonuses and benefits. Users can take advantage of special perks while enjoying substantial savings compared to the monthly plan. Additionally, users have the opportunity to give five friends a month of Kickresume Premium, spreading the benefits of the platform to a wider network.

How to Use Kickresume

How to build professional resume by Kickresume:

  • Sign Up: Create an account on the Kickresume website using your email or social media credentials.
  • Choose a Template: Browse through Kickresume’s collection of templates and select one that best suits your style and industry.
  • Customize Your Resume: Fill in your personal information, work experience, education, skills, and any other relevant details, customizing the template to your liking.
  • Review and Edit: Once you’ve filled in all the necessary information, review your resume to ensure accuracy and make any necessary edits.
  • Download or Share: Once you’re satisfied with your resume, you can download it in PDF format or share it directly with potential employers via email or social media.

How to Build a Cover Letter with Kickresume:

Step 1: Sign Up/Login:

  • Create or log in to your Kickresume account to access the cover letter builder.

Step 2: Select Cover Letter Builder:

  • Navigate to the dashboard and choose the “Cover Letter” option to begin creating your document.

Step 3: Choose a Template:

  • Browse through the selection of templates and choose one that matches your style and industry.

Step 4: Customize Content:

  • Add your contact information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address, to personalize the cover letter.

Step 5: Highlight Skills and Experience:

  • Focus on showcasing your relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences that align with the job you’re applying for.

Step 6: Align with Job Description:

  • Tailor your cover letter to the specific job description by incorporating keywords and phrases from the posting.

Step 7: Express Gratitude and Confidence:

  • Close the cover letter with a polite expression of gratitude for the opportunity to apply and convey confidence in your abilities.

Step 8: Proofread and Edit:

  • Carefully review the cover letter for any spelling or grammatical errors and ensure that the content flows smoothly.

Step 9: Download or Share:

  • Download the cover letter in PDF format to attach to your job application or share it directly with potential employers via email or social media.

How to Turn Your Resume into a Personal Portfolio Website with Kickresume:

Kickresume offers a seamless way to transform your resume into a visually appealing personal portfolio website. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Log In or Sign Up:

  • If you haven’t already, log in to your Kickresume account or sign up for a new one.

Step 2: Access Portfolio Builder:

  • Once logged in, navigate to the dashboard or homepage and locate the option for building a portfolio website.

Step 3: Import Your Resume:

  • Kickresume allows you to import your existing resume directly into the portfolio builder. Choose the option to import your resume to get started.

Step 4: Choose a Design Template:

  • Browse through the available design templates and select one that best fits your style and preferences.

Step 5: Customize Your Portfolio:

  • Customize the layout, colors, fonts, and other design elements of your portfolio to match your personal brand.

Step 6: Add Content:

  • Populate your portfolio with content from your resume, including your work experience, education, skills, projects, and achievements. You can also include additional sections to showcase your work samples, testimonials, and contact information.

Step 7: Preview and Edit:

  • Review your portfolio website to ensure everything looks polished and professional. Make any necessary edits or adjustments to fine-tune the design and content.

Step 8: Publish Your Portfolio:

  • Once you’re satisfied with your portfolio website, publish it to make it accessible to potential employers and collaborators. You can choose to publish it publicly or keep it private and share it selectively.

Step 9: Share Your Portfolio:

  • Share the link to your portfolio website with your network, including on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other social media platforms. This allows you to showcase your skills and experiences in a dynamic and interactive format.

Pros and Cons of Kickresume


  • User-friendly interface.
  • Wide selection of professional templates.
  • AI-powered suggestions for resume improvement.
  • Online portfolio feature.
  • Linkdin profile import
  • Adding features regularly


  • Limited features & customization options in the free plan.
  • Some users may prefer more traditional resume-building methods.


Kickresume has become a game-changer in creating great resumes, cover letters and portfolio websites. With its easy-to-understand interface, AI-powered assistance, and diverse features, it empowers users to craft standout documents effortlessly. 

While the free plan offers basic functionalities, premium plans unlock advanced features, making Kickresume a valuable tool for job seekers. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, Kickresume equips you with the tools to make a lasting impression in your job search journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kickresume suitable for all industries and job roles?

Yes, Kickresume offers a wide range of templates and customization options that cater to various industries and job roles. Whether you’re in technology, finance, marketing, or any other field, you can find templates and features tailored to your needs.

Can I use Kickresume if I’m not tech-savvy?

Absolutely! Kickresume is designed to be user-friendly, even for those without technical expertise. The platform’s intuitive interface and pre-designed sections make it easy for anyone to create professional resumes, cover letters, and portfolio websites with minimal effort.

Is Kickresume free to use, or do I need to subscribe to a paid plan?

Kickresume offers both free and paid plans. The free plan provides access to basic features and templates, while the paid plans unlock advanced customization options, AI-powered suggestions, and other premium features. Users can choose the plan that best suits their needs and budget.

Can I download my documents in different formats, such as PDF or Word?

Yes, Kickresume allows users to download their resumes, cover letters, and portfolio websites in PDF format, which is widely accepted by employers. Additionally, some plans may offer the option to download documents in other formats, such as Word or HTML.

Is Kickresume mobile-friendly? Can I access it on my smartphone or tablet?

Yes, Kickresume is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on smartphones and tablets via the web browser. Additionally, Kickresume offers a mobile app for users who prefer to create and manage their documents on the go.

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